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Building an Azure App Service with a custom container using Bicep

· 3 min read

Azure App Service with custom containers is a convenient way to host docker containers in Azure. While there are a number of tutorials on how to do this with az cli there aren't too many that show how to do it with ARM templates or Azure Bicep. Read on to see how to set up an Azure Container Registry, create scope maps and scope mapped tokens, build and push a custom image and finally use that custom image in your Azure App Service.

First, a word on scope maps and tokens#

Azure Container Registry has a number of authentication mechanisms for pulling docker images. The only one that lets you limit access to specific docker images are scoped mapped tokens which is why I'm going to use them in this example.


Scope Maps and Scope Map Tokens are currently in preview, so use with caution in production.

Setting up your ACR#

You'll need a Container Registry to host your custom container. The following bicep sets up a Premium Azure Container Registry. The reason I'm using a Premium SKU is so that I can create scoped maps and scope mapped tokens.

param location string = resourceGroup().location
resource acr 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries@2019-12-01-preview' = {  name: acrName  location: location  sku: {    name: 'Premium' // to support scope mapped tokens  }  properties: {    adminUserEnabled: false  }}

You may also want to assign an owner to your ACR

param ownerPrincipalId string
resource ownerRoleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2018-01-01-preview' = {  name: guid('${}/${ownerPrincipalId}/owner')  scope: acr  properties: {    roleDefinitionId: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635'    principalId: ownerPrincipalId  }}

And set up your scope maps and scope mapped tokens

// create a scope map for your repositoryresource bicepAppServiceContainerScopeMap 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/scopeMaps@2020-11-01-preview' = {  parent: acr  name: 'bicepAppServiceContainer'  properties: {    actions: [      'repositories/bicep-app-service-container/content/read'      'repositories/bicep-app-service-container/metadata/read'    ]  }}
// create a token and associate it with your scope mapresource bicepAppServiceContainerToken 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tokens@2020-11-01-preview' = {  parent: acr  name: 'bicepAppServiceContainer'  properties: {    scopeMapId:    status: 'enabled'  }}

Generating passwords for your tokens#

The bicep above will create the scope map tokens but will not generate the passwords. You'll need az cli for that.

ACR_PULL_TOKEN=$(az acr token credential generate -n bicepAppServiceContainer -r $ACR_NAME --expiration-in-days 30 --query passwords[0].value -o tsv)

This will generate the passwords and set ACR_PULL_TOKEN to be the value of one of the generated passwords.

Setting up your App Service with a Custom Container#

Use the bicep below to create a linux App Service plan and an App Service that uses your custom container.

@description('The name of the app service that you wish to create.')param siteName string
@description('The docker registry hostname.')param dockerRegistryHost string
@description('The docker registry username.')param dockerUsername string;
@secure()@description('The docker registry password.')param dockerPassword string
@description('The relative docker image name.')param dockerImage string
var servicePlanName = 'plan-${siteName}-001'
resource servicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2016-09-01' = {  kind: 'linux'  name: servicePlanName  location: resourceGroup().location  properties: {    name: servicePlanName    reserved: true  }  sku: {    tier: 'Standard'    name: 'S1'  }  dependsOn: []}
resource siteName_resource 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2016-08-01' = {  name: siteName  location: resourceGroup().location  properties: {    siteConfig: {      appSettings: [        {          name: 'WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE'          value: 'false'        }        {          name: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL'          value: 'https://${dockerRegistryHost}'        }        {          name: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME'          value: dockerUsername        }        {          name: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD'          value: dockerPassword        }      ]      linuxFxVersion: 'DOCKER|${dockerRegistryHost}/${dockerImage}'    }    serverFarmId:  }}

To see a working example, have a look at the following repository